Washington’s Centers of Excellence

Bridging the gap between industry, education, labor, and leadership in Washington State.


We connect the state’s network of community and technical colleges with industries from all areas of the state to inform the creation of a robust, resilient, and diverse workforce.


Twelve Centers of Excellence serve the entire state of Washington

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Our Work

An intern working with a welder

We serve as statewide liaisons to business, industry, labor, and the state’s education systems for the purpose of building a highly skilled and readily available workforce critical to the success of the industries driving the state’s economy and supporting Washington families.

See how we contribute


The Centers

Washington State’s Centers of Excellence exist at the intersection of education, business, industry and organized labor. With funding from the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, the Centers are the connection point between knowledge, activity and potential, inspiring and supporting collaboration.


Centers of Excellence have been at the forefront of our community and technical college system’s strategy to better supply business and industry partners with highly skilled, workforce-ready graduates.

—Jim Crabbe, Former SBCTC Director of Workforce Education


Who We Serve

While each Center of Excellence serves a specific industry, all of Washington’s centers work together in support of four core groups statewide. Through effective collaboration between the Centers, state agencies, and partners, we are able to realize improvements for all of Washington’s residents.

Find skilled and read-to-work employees
Partnering with industry we convene our community and technical education system
Next generation industry-fed curricula
Data determined trends in training and apprenticeships


Through our educational relationships, Washington businesses can access a pipeline of skilled and ready-to-work employees.


We partner with industry associations and intermediaries to convene the community and technical education system. 


Through industry-fed curricula, Washington’s educational system is poised to provide the next generation of skilled workers.

organized labor

Union leaders can tap into trend data, work training, apprenticeships and more, and stay involved in workforce development.

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Get Involved

Whether you’re an industry business or labor organization, educator or school administrator, legislator, job seeker, or a member of the public, you can help us grow Washington State’s skilled workforce.


Find your Center

Each center works to support organizations across Washington. Find the Center of Excellence that serves your industry.

Contact Us

We are happy to answer questions or help you learn more about workforce and education programs in Washington.