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Center of Excellence for Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing


As one of twelve Centers of Excellence in Washington State, the Center of Excellence for Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing convenes and collaborates with industry, labor and education partners to build Washington’s aerospace and advanced manufacturing workforce. Hosted at Everett Community College, the Center serves community and technical colleges by linking education and industry, supporting workforce development and enhancing economic vitality.

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Program Highlights

Regional aerospace job fairs

Regional Aerospace Job fairs

In partnership with the Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance, the COE held Aerospace Job Fairs on the south and north end of the region. 

Learn how curriculum is developed at Everett Community College

Avionics Technician DACUM

This spring Center staff and Everett Community College avionics faculty brought together industry for a DACUM, a Developing a Curriculum session for avionics technicians.

Spokane Manufacturing Day Tours

In partnership with the Inland Northwest Aerospace Consortium and the Spokane Valley Chamber, the Center of Excellence celebrated Manufacturing Day by hosting a tour for Spokane-area high school students.


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