September Digest: USDA Investments, Careers in Energy Week, and more
September Updates from Our Centers
The DOL TechHire MechaWA Grant came to an end in June 2021. Learn more about the project and the incredible outcomes the grant achieved over the past five years. Special thank you to Everett Community College, North Seattle College, Renton Technical College, Shoreline Community College, South Seattle College, and Workforce Snohomish.
USDA is investing up to $1 billion, including $500 million in American Rescue Plan funding, in The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) to support and expand the emergency food network so states, food banks and local organizations can reliably serve their communities. Building on lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, USDA will enter into cooperative agreements with state, Tribal and local entities to more efficiently purchase food from local producers and invest in infrastructure that enables partner organizations to more effectively reach underserved communities. To learn more, visit:
Allied Health
Attendees from our community and technical college health workforce programs receive a 30% discount to attend the 2021 Inland Northwest State of Reform Health Policy Conference- The code is AHCE30 and folks can register at this link.
Homeland Security
Finding information about career pathways can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Learn more information at Also, keep a look out for our new ultimate guide for Career Pathways in the HSEM field releasing soon!
Clean Energy
A new era of zero-carbon energy production is on the move! Two new clean energy generation plants have broken ground this year within Washington state: Renewable hydrogen at Douglas County PUD and fusion energy by Helion Energy in Everett ( The Center is gathering and promoting events for Careers in Energy Week – Oct. 16 – 22, 2021. Contact for information.
The Center of Excellence is convening a virtual meeting to discuss Best Practices for College Pre-Apprenticeship Programs on September 8th from 10-11:30am. To attend, please email for zoom information.
Marine Manufacturing & Technology
Supporting the 21st century technical workforce and faculty through the Implicit Bias in Workforce Education webinar and podcast series: (59) Implicit Bias Exchange for Workforce Educators, Professionals, Industry Partners and Apprenticeship | Groups | LinkedIn
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