October Digest: Career exploration plus jobs and hiring

October Updates from Our Centers

Information & Computing Technology

Many tech companies saw significant growth throughout the pandemic as people shifted to virtual work and school, socialized on Zoom, and ordered more than ever online. The industry moved quickly to build new products and bring on additional tech support. The IT Center of Excellence spoke to experts to learn how job seekers can navigate a post-pandemic IT hiring boom – read their insights in this article.

Homeland Security Emergency Management

The latest Career Pathways Resource Guide is here with new and exciting information! Learn more in our Guidebooks section at: https://www.coehsem.com/our-services/ 

Agriculture & Natural Resource

Launched the Eastern Region Ag Consortium landing page this month to highlight guided pathways developed under this consortium between Big Bend Community College, Columbia Basin College, Spokane Community College, Walla Walla Community College, Wenatchee Valley College, and Yakima Valley College. To learn more about the Eastern Region Ag Consortium, please visit: https://agcenterofexcellence.com/eastern-region-agriculture-consortium/

Aerospace and Manufacturing

Northwest Aerospace News Magazine now has a job board for various types of positions in the Aerospace Industry: https://www.northwestaerospacenews.com/index.php/current-openings/


Promote safety in construction programs with these videos and toolbox talks: https://constructioncenterofexcellence.com/videos

Allied Health

As we see more demand than ever for mental health and substance use disorder services, we’re happy to share that our partners at the Washington State Health Care Authority launched a resources page to help those interested in a behavioral health career explore their options.

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Monthly DigestRicardo Ibarra